
Muhammad Jaalhaq. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.
Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Konspirasi di Balik Virus Aids

Virus ini sebenarnya bukan berasal dari simpanse, tetapi ciptaan para ilmuwan yang kemudian diselewengkan melalui rekayasa tertentu untuk memusnahkan etnis tertentu. (Jerry D. Gray, Dosa-dosa Media Amerika - Mengungkap Fakta Tersembunyi Kejahatan Media Barat, Ufuk Press 2006 h. 192).

Tulisan Allan Cantwell, Jr. M.D. ini mengungkapakan rahasia dan juga bagaimana ilmuwan menghasilkan penyakit yang paling menakutkan kemudian menutup-nutupinya.

Teori” Monyet Hijau

1.Tidak sedikit orang yang sudah mendengar teori bahwa AIDS adalah ciptaan manusia. Menurut The New York Times yang terbit 29 Oktober 1990, tiga puluh persen penduduk kulit hitam di New York City benar-benar percaya bahwa AIDS adalah “senjata etnis” yang didesain di dalam laboratorium untuk menginfeksi dan membunuh kalangan kulit hitam. Sebagian orang bahkan menganggap teori konspirasi AIDS lebih bisa dipercaya dibandingkan teori monyet hijau Afrika yang dilontarkan para pakar AIDS. Sebenarnya sejak tahun 1988 para peneliti telah membuktikan bahwa teori monyet hijau tidaklah benar. Namun kebanyakan edukator AIDS terus menyampaikan teori ini kepada publik hingga sekarang. Dalam liputan-liputan media tahun 1999, teori monyet hijau telah digantikan dengan teori simpanse di luar Afrika. Simpanse yang dikatakan merupakan asal-usul penyakit AIDS ini telah diterima sepenuhnya oleh komunitas ilmiah.

2. “Pohon keturunan” filogenetik virus primata (yang hanya dipahami segelintir orang saja) ditampilkan untuk membuktikan bahwa HIV diturunkan dari virus primata yang berdiam di semak Afrika. Analisis data genetika virus ditunjukkan melalui “supercomputer” di Los Alamos, Mexico, menunjukkan bahwa HIV telah “melompati spesies’, dari simpanse ke manusia sekitar tahun 1930 di Afrika.

Eksperimen Hepatitis B Pra-AIDS kepada Pria Gay (1978-1981)

Ribuan pria gay mendaftar sebagai manusia percobaan untuk eksperimen vaksin hepatitis B yang “disponsori pemerintah AS” di New York, Los Angeles, dan San Fransisco. Setelah beberapa tahun, kota-kota tersebut menjadi pusat sindrom defisiensi kekebalan terkait gay, yang belakangan dikenal dengan AIDS. Di awal 1970-an, vaksin hepatitis B dikembangkan di dalam tubuh simpanse. Sekarang hewan ini dipercaya sebagai asal-usul berevolusinya HIV. Banyak orang masih merasa takut mendapat vaksin hepatitis B lantaran asalnya yang terkait dengan pria gay dan AIDS. Para dokter senior masih bisa ingat bahwa eksperimen vaksin hepatitis awalnya dibuat dari kumpulan serum darah para homoseksual yang terinfeksi hepatitis.

Kemungkinan besar HIV “masuk” ke dalam tubuh pria gay selama uji coba vaksin ini. Ketika itu, ribuan homoseksual diinjeksi di New York pada awal 1978 dan di kota-kota pesisir barat sekitar tahun 1980-1981.

Apakah jenis virus yang terkontaminasi dalam program vaksin ini yang menyebabkan AIDS? Bagaimana dengan program WHO di Afrika? Bukti kuat menunjukkan bahwa AIDS berkembang tak lama setelah program vaksin ini. AIDS merebak pertama kali di kalangan gay New York City pada tahun 1979, beberapa bulan setelah eksperimen dimulai di Manhattan. Ada fakta yang cukup mengejutkan dan secara statistik sangat signifikan, bahwa 20% pria gay yang menjadi sukarelawan eksperimen hepatitis B di New York diketahui mengidap HIV positif pada tahun 1980 (setahun sebelum AIDS menjadi penyakit “resmi’). Ini menunjukkan bahwa pria Manhattan memiliki kejadian HIV tertinggi dibandingkan tempat lainnya di dunia, termasuk Afrika, yang dianggap sebagai tempat kelahiran HIV dan AIDS. Fakta lain yang juga menghebohkan adalah bahwa kasus AIDS di Afrika yang dapat dibuktikan baru muncul setelah tahun 1982. Sejumlah peneliti yakin bahwa eksperimen vaksin inilah yang berfungsi sebagai saluran tempat “berjangkitnya” HIV ke populasi gay di Amerika. Namun hingga sekarang para ilmuwan AIDS mengecilkan koneksi apapun antara AIDS dengan vaksin tersebut.

Umum diketahui bahwa di Afrika, AIDS berjangkit pada orang heteroseksual, sementara di Amerika Serikat AIDS hanya berjangkit pada kalangan pria gay. Meskipun pada awalnya diberitahukan kepada publik bahwa “tak seorang pun kebal AIDS”, faktanya hingga sekarang ini (20 tahun setelah kasus pertama AIDS), 80% kasus AIDS baru di Amerika Serikat berjangkit pada pria gay, pecandu narkotika, dan pasangan seksual mereka. Mengapa demikian? Tentunya HIV tidak mendiskriminasi preferensi seksual atau ras tertentu. Apakah benar demikian?

Keserupaan dengan FLU Burung

Di pertengahan tahun 1990-an, para ahli biologi berhasil mengidentifikasi setidaknya 8 subtipe (strain) HIV yang menginfeksi berbagai orang di seluruh dunia. Telah terbukti, strain B adalah strain pra dominan yang menginfeksi gay di AS. Strain HIV ini lebih cenderung menginfeksi jaringan rektum, itu sebabnya para gay yang cenderung menderita AIDS dibandingkan non-gay

Sebaliknya, Strain HIV yang umum dijumpai di Afrika cenderung menginfeksi vagina dan sel serviks (leher rahim), sebagaimana kulup penis pria. Itu sebabnya, di Afrika, HIV cenderung berjangkit pada kalangan heteroseksual.

Para pakar AIDS telah memeberitahukan bahawa AIDS Amerika berasal dari Afrika, padahal Strain HIV yang umum dijumpai di kalangan pria gay nyaris tak pernah terlihat di Afrika! Bagaimana bisa demikian? Apakah sebagian Strain HIV direkayasa agar mudah beradaptasi ke sel yang cenderung menginfeksi kelamin gay?

Telah diketahui, pria ilmuwan SCVP (Special Virus Cancer Program) mampu mengadaptasi retrovirus tertentu agar menginfeksi jenis sel tertentu. Tak kurang sejak tahun 1970, para ilmuwan perang biologis telah belajar mendesain agen-agen (khususnya virus) tertentu yang bisa menginfeksi dan menyerang sel kelompok rasial “tertentu”. Setidaknya tahun 1997, Stephen O’Brien dan Michael Dean dari Laboratorium Keanekaragaman Genom di National Cancer Institute menunjukkan bahwa satu dari sepuluh orang kulit putih memiliki gen resisten-AIDS, sementara orang kulit hitam Afrika tidak memiliki gen semacam itu sama sekali. Kelihatannya, AIDS semakin merupakan “virus buatan manusia yang menyerang ras tertentu” dibandingkan peristiwa alamiah.

Berkat bantuan media Amerika, virus ini menyebar ke jutaan orang tertentu di seluruh dunia sebelum segelintir orang mulai waspada akan kejahatan di balik penciptaan virus ini. Di tahun 1981, pejabat kesehatan memastikan “masyarakat umum” bahwa tak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. “AIDS adalah penyakit gay” adalah jargon yang sering dikumandangkan media.

Setidaknya tahun 1987, Robert Gallo memberitahu reporter Playboy, David Black, “Saya pribadi belum pernah menemukan satu kasus pun (di Amerika) dimana pria terkena virus (AIDS) dari seorang wanita melalui hubungan intim heteroseksual .” Gallo melanjutkan, “AIDS tak akan menjadi bahaya yang tak bisa teratasi bagi masyarakat umum.” Apakah ini sekedar spekulasi ataukah Gallo mengetahui sesuatu yang tidak ia ceritakan?
Bukalah mata kita lebar-lebar dan sadarilah bahwa "Konspirasi Itu" memang benar-benar ada.

Muse dan Illuminati

1. Pesan rahasia di balik video klip Supermassive Black Hole
Anda pasti tahu video klip Supermassive Black Hole-nya MUSE, yang sedikit abstrak tapi elegan. Nah lihat gambar berikut ini:

Mata burung hantu diatas dominic. Burung hantu? Kenapa harus burung hantu?

Karena burung hantu adalah simbol kebijaksanaan bagi kaum illuminati, dia bisa melihat dan mengawasi dalam gelap sementara kita tidak, intinya gerak gerik kita akan selalu "dimonitor" oleh mereka.

Patung burung hantu raksasa, simbol pemujaan anggota Bohemian Grove

Simbol perkumpulan Bohemian Grove.

Anggota Bohemian Grove juga bukan sembarang orang. Mereka bisa dari kalangan pejabat militer, pebisnis, sampai presiden-presiden, seperti Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, sampai keluarga Bush

Ilustrasi perkumpulan rahasia

Kembali ke video klip Muse

Pria gemuk dengan kostum burung hantu duduk di atas kursi singgasana

Sudah jelas melambangkan apa jika orang gemuk duduk di atas singgasana. The Big Brother.

Selanjutnya, wanita bermata satu membaca buku dan diatasnya ada ornamen matahari.

Mata satu adalah simbol eye of the providence ! Mata sang arsitek, dan matahari diatas adalah simbol pencerahan bagi kaum Illuminati, membaca buku melambangkan bahwa mereka adalah orang-orang yang cerdas dan jenius.
Inilah simbolnya !

Selanjutnya. Fox Channel !

Kenapa Fox Channel ? Karena stasiun TV Fox adalah stasiun TV milik Illuminati yang selalu menipu rakyat Amerika dengan filterisasi informasi, pembentukan opini dan persepsi publik.

Selanjutnya, video klip Invincible

Di awal video

Muse memasuki gerbang dengan simbol Illuminati. Buat Anda yang pernah menonton video klipnya pasti tahu maksudnya. Mulai dari zaman piramid mesir, tentara romawi, perang dunia, sampe serangan 11 september ada campur tangan "mereka".

The Eye of Horus

Horus adalah dewa Mesir sekaligus simbol Illuminati. Di dalam Islam simbol ini dianggap sebagai mata Dajjal

2. Pesan Tersembunyi di Cover album Black Holes and Revelations

Ada 4 orang gundul berkumpul dengan 4 kuda kecil di meja = 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Mudah-mudahan Anda tidal bosan membacanya. Untuk Anda yang pecinta MUSE berbanggalah bahwa band pujaan Anda tidak sekedar bermain musik, tetapi juga mengajak kita membuka mata bahwa dunia ini telah dikondisikan sedemikian rupa oleh para elite yang tak tersentuh.


Tema di album Origin Of Symmetry = anti Christ, futurisme, luar angkasa
Tema di album Absolution = anti religion, kiamat, perang irak, illuminati
Tema di Black Holes and Revelations = anti religion, anti NWO, anti perang Irak, 11 september tipuan, illuminati
Tema di album Resistance = anti NWO, perlawanan pada Big Brother

1. Interview dengan Matt tentang makna lagu Deadstar di album Hullabaloo (sumber:

Wartawan : Tell us about the new single dead star, was it inspired by space?
Matt : No, yes, kind of. Let me think, I sort of got into that kind of thing, looking into space and all that - bit embarrassing, really. I'm a bit of a Star Trek fan in secret, but don't tell anyone (laughs). The song is about, let me think, it kind of how everyone reacted to the 11 september thing. We were in Boston at the time, we got stuck there, and that's when we recorded those songs. So, in some ways, the lyrics are a little bit about the hysteria around that time and how people were really quick to point fingers at everyone else when they should have pointed fingers at themselves.

Intinya saat kejadian 11 september Matt bilang begitu cepatnya media Amerika menunjuk jari ke Osama bin Laden dan dunia Islam sebagai teroris, tanpa mau mengintrospeksi diri, apa yang telah Amerika perbuat di kawasan timur tengah dan seluruh dunia.

2. Tema illuminati pada album Absolution ada di lagu “Rules by Secrecy”

lagu ini terinspirasi dari buku tentang gerakan freemason dan illuminati karya Jimm Marrsdengan judul yang sama.

pada lirik lagu ini ada kalimat “You’re working so hard but you’ll never in charge ( kau bekerja begitu keras tapi kau tak pernah ada diatas/memimpin = strata piramid ), your death creates success rebuild and suppress ("kematianmu menciptakan kesuksesan, membangun kembali dan menekan” = 3000 nyawa di WTC menghasilkan limpahan minyak dan ladang opium bernilai jutaan dolar di Irak dan Afghanistan, dan pemerintahan boneka pun dibangun kembali oleh Amerika di 2 negeri yang kacau balau itu).

3. Di lagu Supermassive Black Hole

lirik : “I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I'm a fool for you, you’re the Queen of the superficial how long before you tell the truth” = merasa tertipu oleh propaganda Amerika tentang “perang melawan terorisme” dan meminta kebenaran

“Glacier melting in the dead of night and the superstar sucked in to the supermassive” (superstars = sang adi daya Amerika).

4. Tema illuminati di album Blackholes and Revelation ada di lagu City of Delusion

perhatikan lirik “ Can I believe when I don’t trust all your theories turn to dust (teori versi pemerintah Amerika tentang runtuhnya gedung kembar adalah karena bahan bakar jet yang melumerkan fondasi gedung? teori yang lemah secara ilmiah), I choose to hide from theALL SEEING EYE !

5. Pada album Resistance, di lirik lagu Uprising

sudah jelas-jelas di lagu tersebut, Muse mengajak perlawanan ke Big Brother

“rise up and take the power back its time for the fat cats had a heart attack you know that they’re time coming to an end, we have to unify watch our flag ascend”. (fat cats= Banker)

They will not Force Us
They will stop Degrading us
They will not Control Us
We will be Victorious

Matt di video klip Uprising, menghancurkan Televisi, menunjukkan ketidakpercayaannya pada tayangan media yang menyesatkan publik.

Ini Dominic dengan kaos piramid illuminati terbalik, simbol perlawanan strata bawah yang selalu ditindas strata atas, disini maksudnya “memperlihatkan” bukan berarti “mendukung”, justru orang2 yang tadinya ga sadar malah jadi sadar kalo “mereka” itu ada..

Kaos ini juga dipakai di video klip Undisclosed Desire

Ini Matthew sedang berpose dengan aktivis anti perang Irak di depan gedung putih (peace sign, no more war !)


Versi Bahasa Inggris : London 2012 Olympics, Zionist Conspiracy?

The London 2012 Olympics

Time flies fast, and before you know it the London 2012 Olympics will kick-off. But will this traditionally peaceful event be marred by Zionist influence?

This London 2012 Olympics logo sparked controversy when it was unveiled last May. Not only does it spell “Zion”, but the original TV commercials took control of viewers’ bodies and made them go into seizure. Only a few people have the skill to put the pieces of this strange jigsaw puzzle together and see that the London 2012 Olympics is the official kickoff for the establishment of the New World Order.

What is in store for the London 2012 Olympics?

Conspirasts believe this event is a stepping stone that will lead to world domination by the New World Order. One doctor, Bill Aitchison, claims the London 2012 Olympics will be a significant event for the 2012 apocalypse. The conspiracy says that the elite will burn the people inside the stadium, at a time when all the world has its eyes on this great event. It is possible the London 2012 Olympics will experience a 9/11 Terrorist attack-like disaster planned long ago by the hands of the New World Order.

After examining the logo carefully, conspirasts conclude that a fake alien invasion will take place during the onset of the game. The public will be so terrified of the staged invasion that their immediate course of action will be to surrender all liberties for survival. Proof of something in the works for the games can be read in a local UK newspaper, claiming that mobile users will experience a mobile blackout during the London Olympics 2012 kick-off. Keeping in mind that the elite controlcommunications and media, this is not out of their power.

The strange location of the London 2012 Olympics Stadium

Take note of the location where the London 2012 Olympics will take place. The fact that the stadium is near key strategic locations; Parliament, MI5, Downing Street, is no coincidence. And take note of the street names around the Olympic stadium: Temple Mills Lane, Church Road, Great Eastern Road, Carpenters Road, and Angel Lane. Coincidence? Do they sound familiar, a little biblical?

Check out the New World Order game card by Steve Jackson above. Look at the signs, buildings, and the clock. Does it look familiar? Is that Big Ben?

Versi Bahasa Inggris : Illuminati Conspiracy

Adam Weishaupt was born in Inglostadt, Germany, on February 6 1748. Educated by Jesuits, in 1775 at the age of 27 he became professor of natural and canon law at Inglostadt University, and was initiated in the Teodor Masonic lodge of the Good Council in Munich in 1777. He decided to establish an enlightened society to fight against injustice on May 1 1776, the “Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria” – popularly known as the Illuminati.

Originally called the “Order of Perfectibility”, its purpose was to allow members to unify and “obtain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue and to lay the foundation for the reform of the world, by unifying the best ones, to fight against the propagation of bad behavior”.

Helped by influential people like Baron von Knigge, Xavier Zwack, and Baron Bassus, the foundation became extremely popular. The Illuminati conspiracy lodges were located in France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands. On June 22 1784, Bavarian authorities issued a repressive decree to the Order that was repeated the next year in March and then again in August. That same year, 1785, Weishaupt was kicked out of academia and sent to exile out of Bavaria.

After several attempts to abolish The Order, it began to decline from the public spotlight and entirely disappear by the end of the century. In 1786, authorities made an illegal raid on Xavier Zwack’s house, using documents confiscated to suppress the order.

Many commentators believe this decline never reversed. The British encyclopedia barely mentions the Illuminati. Others believe that the Illuminati were dissolved into Freemasonry, spreading inside like cancer in a healthy body. They believe the Illuminati conspiracy remained in Masonry gathering power and maneuvering the entire order.

In 1906, the British Museum of London received a copy of a manuscript entitled Illuminati Protocols. First copies appear in Bavaria at the end of the 18th century. The copy received by the British Museum was written in Russian. What is interesting is that Adam Smith’s capitalist treaty, Wealth of Nations, as well as the great democratic Treaty of America, the Independence Declaration, were written in 1776. It is suggested that Weishaupt may have been the mysterious man dressed in a black robe who presented the text of the Washington declaration. There was a rumor that the raid made at Zwack’s house happened by accident, because the authorities in 1784 had intercepted a document in which the chief of the French Illuminati branch, Robespierre, was trained on how to “orchestrate” the French Revolution of 1789. Alerts have been ignored, and the Revolution took place as planned.

To achieve its aim, Masons knew that their real target – the overturning of all governments and world religions, for peace and freedom to rule – was supposed to remain unknown. Thus, in order not to be part of the reprisals and as a way to avoid criticism and exposure, the Masons had created the Illuminati as a shield-organization which takes the blame for any misdeed or obvious shortcoming. A strategy which for at least two centuries had worked great.

In 1902, Freemason William Westcott remembers that he received membership in the “Order of Perfectibility” by Theodore Reuss. Similarly, in 1913, occultist Eliphas Levi made a strong link between the Bavarian Illuminati conspiracy and Freemasonry. On the list of the most important Illuminati members is Marquis de Saint Germain de Constanzo. It may be interesting to learn that the Marquis de Saint Germain, the man suspected in general is thought to be the only immortal on earth. In medieval history, he is said to have appeared as a wizard, alchemist and wise man. Who would be more appropriate to give a helpful hand in setting up the most resounding secret society in the world?
There is no evidence to suggest that the Illuminati conspiracy was more than a secret Bavarian society of short duration.


Versi Bahasa Inggris : 10 Konspirasi Terbesar

#10: World Domination of Alien Lizards Conspiracy

reptilian humanoid
David Icke, a well known conspiracy theorist, claims that Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and many other world leaders are not humans. Instead, they are 2 meter-tall blood drinking, shape shifting reptilians, originating from Alpha Draconis; a star system in the Draco constellation. According to Icke, the 9/11 September attacks was one of their conspiracies to enslave the population of Earth.

#9: Area 51 Cover-up Conspiracy

Area 51 Conspiracy

Bizarre activities, top-secret aircraft research, and unusual phenomena are just a few reasons from a long list that make Area 51 one of the most popular cover-up conspiracy theories of all time. Theorists claim this as the place where the army hid alien bodies after the 1947 Roswell crash. They also say it is where alien technology is studied (also called reverse engineering), where scientists try to develop new weapons, aircraft, and technology from the materials salvaged from the alien spaceship. The U.S. government continues to deny its existence.

#8: Elvis Presley Death Conspiracy

Elvis Presley conspiracy

Many people believe “the King” didn’t die in 1977; he escaped fame by faking his death. One fact that supports this theory is the misspelling of his name engraved on his tombstone. The inscription spells ‘Aron’ instead of ‘Aaron’, his real middle name. Moreover, newspaper articles oddly continued to cover Elvis Presley’s life after 1977, stating that his real death was not until 1990.

#7: The Story of Jesus Conspiracy

Jesus conspiracy
Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is a book written on this Jesus conspiracy. It states that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene and had children that emigrated to the South of France where they intermarried with other noble families to create the dynasty that is known today as the Merovingians. It claims that a secret society called the ‘Priory of Sion’ is protecting this secret with their lives.

#6: The Attack on Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

Pearl Harbor Conspiracy
Movie scene from Pearl Harbor.

The Pearl Harbor conspiracy states that the U.S. government knew Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor in advance but refused to do anything about it. The U.S. allowed the attack to happen in order to give them motive to fight Japan and enter World War 2.

#5: The Moon Landing Conspiracy

moon landing conspiracy
The controversial waving flag

An event that was supposed to be one of the most important events in human history, the moon landing, has turned into one of the most debated conspiracy theories of all time. This theory states the Apollo mission and moon landing were faked by NASA in a movie studio.

The conspiracy surfaced after close examination of the photos taken by NASA, finding such irregularities as higher-than expected picture quality, the absence of stars in the moon’s sky, the absence of a blast crater from the shuttle, and the waving of the American flag despite the fact that there is no wind on the moon.

#4: Princess Diana Death Conspiracy

Princess Diana Conspiracy
The car in which princess Diana and Dodi Fayed lost their lives - AP Photo

Despite the lack of evidence of a murder plot against the Princess, many people believe Diana’s death was planned. It is said that the British Secret Service did not agree with Diana’s relationship with Dodi Al Fayed, considering it a threat to the monarchy. Surveys show most United Kingdom and Arabic populations believe Princess Diana was a victim of murder.

#3: The Roswell Crash Cover-up Conspiracy

1947 Roswell Crash
Does the government hide the truth about the crash at Roswell?

The U.S. Army claims a top-secret research balloon crashed, but many believe that actually something else happened: The crash of an alien spaceship.

Since the 1947 Roswell incident, UFO researchers have interviewed hundreds of people that claim to have in some way been affiliated with those events. For decades, the U.S. government has been keeping files pertaining to this incident top-secret.

The ‘Majestic 12′, one of the most controversial documents from the 1947 Roswell incident, supposedly came to light due to leaked information from an insider. According to the document, the government covered up the crash and recovered a lot of unknown materials, and even alien bodies… some of which were still alive.

Many years after the incident a Roswell Army Air Field Public Affairs officer by the name of Walter Haut claimed that he saw the alien spaceship and alien bodies. He died 3 years after this confession.

#2: The JFK Assassination Conspiracy

JFK assassination conspiracy
A few minutes before John F. Kennedy was assassinated

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The investigation of the murder was carried out by the Warren Commission. In September 1964, the commission reported their findings: Acting alone, and with no help from others, Texas School Book Depository employee Lee Harvey Oswald fired the bullet that killed JFK.

However, the investigation was not conclusive. It held many discrepancies, and as a result of the evidence not matching perfectly, conspiracy theories continue to surround the assassination. Most of these conspiracies accuse other parties responsible for the murder. The CIA, the Federal Reserve, the FBI, and the Mafia are only a short list of organizations accused for the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

#1: The Illuminati and New World Order Conspiracy

the Illuminati - New World Order Conspiracy

Many historical events are said to be the work of organizations known as the Illuminati and New World Order. The goal of these societies is to unify all governments into a single world government that will rule mankind.

The members of these societies are powerful, wealthy, influential, and conspiracy theorists see the signs of the New World Order everywhere: hidden messages on the $1 dollar bill, pentagrams in city building designs, and in the facade of world organizations such as the EU and World Bank.
Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Sadarkah anda gambar-gambar ini?

Lihat Baik-Baik!!

Sadarilah : Subliminal Message, Pesan Tersembunyi - Part 3

Lanjutan dari Part 2. Silahkan Persepsikan Sendiri!

Bukan Yin dan Yang, Tapi posisi 69 sepertinya..


 Lihat baik-baik.. ada 666...

Simbol di Iklan Nickelodeon... (yang bener aja)

Huh.... dari pabrik mana tuh?? illuminati kah?

 Dan di kartun pun juga ada,,, Damn!!

Ada wanita telanjang?? di film kartun anak-anak??

Kata SEX yang tersembunyi

Sudah cukup jelas...

Bersambung ke Part 4

Sadarilah : Subliminal Message, Pesan Tersembunyi - Part 2

Ini beberapa subliminal message yang lainnya. Sourcenya dari banyak website yang saya temukan :
Silahkan Persepsikan Sendiri!

ngapain nih cewe??

Bentuk nyala api nya seperti apa ya?

Kaleng Pepsi

Iklan yang aneh...

Bentuk apa ini ya?

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