
Muhammad Jaalhaq. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.
Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

New Beginning of Humanity - The Venus Project

Perhaps the recent events of Thailand and Greece are the beginnings of the next phase in the NWO agenda.
In Thailand, the Thai people have become disillusioned with the political process that has been so called ‘democracy’, and want to depose their corrupt PM, as a result the gov’t are taking the stance; use deadly force to control the dissent. Over 85 dead and thousands injured. A class war, and possibly a civil war is on the brink of breaking out in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The majority of red shirts are rural farmers with little or no money.
Then of course we have Greece which has far wider ramifications, namely that the rest of Europe will soon follow suit. Ireland is another example of a country that’s gone to the dogs.

Thailand ‘red shirts’ on the brink of civil war
- Ghost estates testify to Irish boom and bust
Then of course let us not forget the trillion dollar bank bailouts, and the UK politicians expenses scandal. Incidentally not one politician was ever prosecuted. The crime of fraud and false accounting can lead to a prison sentence of up to 10 years. Instead the passage of time heals all wounds, and all is forgiven by the masses. After all, we have more important matters to consider; such as who will win this year’s series of Britain’s Got Talent, or shock horror Stacey’s leaving Eastenders.
With all this mayhem, carnage, and war going on all around us, is there a rainbow at the end of the tunnel?
Yes there is. Welcome to The Venus Project.
I am a staunch advocate of The Venus Project. Once we have all endured and survived the atrocities that lie ahead, there will be a new dawning for mankind, one without the need for money, laws, prisons, leaders, or control. Instead we can live side by side as equals, unite and go forth in solidarity for the betterment of mankind.
The Venus Project (TVP)

Overview of TVP
Some comments from various forums regarding TVP: -
“Our economic systems are the root cause of most of the problems we face. The poor do not rip down the forests and produce the pollution”
“This monetary system we have has bred fear and distrust into everyone. We can’t continue as a society in this manner, we will all simply die. We all have to collectively and boldly head in a new direction before it is too late. The Venus project is the system to fully develop each of our human potentials and bring fulfilment into each of our lives and bring us all together.”
“A new future is possible, I never wanted to work for money, but I want to work for something meaningful in my life….”
Arguments against TVP and NWO:
- Venus project won’t work unless you populate the planet with lobotomized clones.
The Venus Project can and will work. It isn’t a case of having a society full of clones, quite the opposite in fact.
- I for one don’t want to clean toilets, and I think most people would be on my side.
In a resource based economy, there wouldn’t be any need to clean toilets.
There are many technological alternatives to offer which would mean no-one would need to clean a toilet.
In essence the reason we live in this cesspit of a broken society is because of one thing…. money.
Get rid of money, and you get rid of competition, greed, control, and power.. and of course the need to clean toilets.
- NWO = Claptrap aimed at paranoid dope smokers and depressed underachievers to sell DVDs as opposed to taking real action.
In order to find out how the NWO operates, check out who owns the World Bank and Federal Reserve.
Who owns the world bank (IMF)?
Current president of world bank – Robert B. Zoellick
Zoellick was nominated into power by the one and only George W Bush link. Zoellick was previously the MD for Goldman Sachs.
Then of course we can ask…
Who owns the Federal Reserve?
Who owns the Federal Reserve?
- Who controls the Federal Reserve?
Note: Fractional Reserve Banking is a Fragile ‘fiat currency’ Pyramid Scheme which is on the brink of collpase.
- There is no NWO!
If there is no NWO then please answer this. How come we don’t see a concerted effort by our beloved governments to implement free alternative technologies such as tidal, solar, wind, and hydrogen!!! Free technologies post-implementation of new infrastructure.
Instead of BP currently making profits of £40million… a day link, why don’t we read headlines such as:
"BP investing £1 billion in hydrogen pump stations across the UK."
Hydrogen cars are old news. 5 years old. Yet how many cars (non-petrol) do we see on our roads! And then they expect us to believe in global warming when nothing is done about it. For believers of Global Warming, here is a great article on ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ aka climategate
- Some people are lucky in birth ref NWO. And the reality is that some people are jealous which makes them angry.
The argument is not about being angry or jealous of another persons life. It’s more about the need for more equality in the world. Human beings are precious creatures like all living things, unless you are a cage man living in Hong Kong link. All life should be treated equal. No one person has more of a right of passage in life than another. By stamping a price tag on someone’s head does not make that person any better than you or me.

Unfortunately, before we can even consider implementing significant changes to society, we must first endure the axis of evil first; more lies, corruption, and thousands more senseless deaths in the name of war. The end of this cycle is nearing an end, and in it’s path a new dawning beckons.
Perhaps when Dec 21st 2012 comes we won’t see any alien invasion / disclosure, or massive solar flares, pole reversals, or Planet X colliding with Earth, but instead 2012 could be a time for rejoicing a new start for humanity.
See you all on the other side.

Source Here

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